Mons Altus Group Precision Rifle Foundations course is just that; a true foundation to long range, precision rifle shooting. In this three-day class you will learn firearms safety, the intricacies of firearms setup, and a comprehensive look at the fundamentals of marksmanship and firearms handling. You will then learn the basics of external ballistics as well as environmental considerations. After that, you will confirm rifle zero and gather data out to 1,000 yards…and that is just day 1! Day 2 will be focused on the most challenging of long range shooting factors; the wind. We will dive into how the wind affects drift and trajectory and a multitude of techniques for understanding and compensating for it. Day 3 will focus on combining the previous two days of instruction and will move from shooting in the prone to positional shooting basics and will culminate with a half day exercise testing all of the abilities learned! You will walk away from this course with the groundwork established in order to continue your precision rifle path in any direction it may take you whether that be hunting, competition, or just for fun.
Mountain Hunter Course
Mons Altus Group Mountain Hunter course is an advanced, long range shooting course that combines lessons from previous courses and hones them with a focus towards hunting big game in mountainous terrain. By the end of this course, students will be able to rapidly move to and establish a shooting position on natural terrain, range, and accurately engage targets in mountainous conditions. However, the most important takeaway from this course will be a hunter’s understanding of their capabilities and be able to make an informed, ethical decision on whether or not to engage live game if a future opportunity presents itself. There will be classroom portions focused on mountain winds, steep angles, advanced external ballistics, terminal ballistics, and discussions on basic land navigation in mountainous terrain. Mountain Hunter is not for the faint of heart; it is for those seeking a challenge and to learn about themselves, their abilities, and to grow as a hunter and marksman.
Advanced Precision Rifle Course
The Advanced Precision Rifle Course course continues to build upon the concepts learned in the foundational course. During this training, students will only spend a limited time shooting from the prone and will focus on refining their fundamentals during functional positional shooting. There will be a deep dive into external ballistics and environmental conditions. ALR will also have a focus on advanced terrain shooting in mountain conditions including canalizing terrain winds, steep angles, and shooting from rough, natural terrain. This course will only be taught at our Colorado and New Mexico locations which further add to the complexity of the course. ALR will also have a block of instruction dedicated to ballistic computer manipulation and solutions. After completing ALR, students will not only be better shooters they will also have a deep understanding of “the why” to all aspects of long range shooting. They will also have the tools to continuously improve on their own by self-analyzing all of their fundamentals and processes and be able to correct and refine those skills in the future.
New Mexico (April 14-16)
Precision Rifle Foundation Course
A true foundation to long range, precision marksmanship.
Advanced Precision Rifle
The next step on your precision shooting journey. This course will expand upon the lessons learn in PRF and push you to the next level.
Invite Only